Hemorrhoids and food

Why we get hemorrhoids and foods to avoid‏

I wanted to present you with an important lesson:

Why do people get hemorrhoids in the first place?   There is a common misconception that because we strain a lot whilst sitting on the loo and that in turn causes our veins in our Posterior: our backside or behind to bleed and all of a sudden , we have enlarged veins that are suddenly hemorrhoids!

This straining is normally from bowel movements and for women can occur due to pregnancy.

"Did nature just do a blunder here?" and is there a "natural Cure for Hemorrhoids & Piles"?

After extensive research, some alternative therapists believe that hemorrhoids are actually the bodies response to imbalances caused by modern day pollutants and practices that the human body was not origianlly designed for.

Let's take for example processed foods and sugars. Our bodies are not designed to in take such a high volume of processed produce.

Examples include:
  • White Flour
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Hydrogenated Oils
  • Refined Sugars
Over many thousands of years man, has naturally evolved eating predominantly hunter / gatherer foods. Mostly fruit, green vegetables, pulses, rice, nuts, fish, and other whole foods.   

You can Cure Hemorrhoids & Piles Naturally In 48 Hours Without Side-Effects

So when we consume all these refined food stuffs, our bodies find it had to break down hence our stool can and do, quite naturally become hard, impacted and difficult to pass. We then experience constipation, straining, etc.

These factors are in no way enough to cause hemorrhoids , there's also the issue of how we regulate and perform bowel movements. (there's an excellent illustrations you should see in section 8 of the H Miracle System)which covers the kind of things that needs to be reversed right away to shrink your hemorrhoids as well as identifying and tackling the root cause.

Now, what's a realistic action you can take immediately?  If you have a hemorrhoid that is bleeding or itching, try changing your eating habits to a principally vegetarian diet, add sweet potatoes / yams, and start to reduce you consumption of refined sugars in your diet. Just for a few days while you're doing the remedy process of H Miracle. 3-4 days should be good.

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